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  • Introduction to Force Free Training by Hound Charming

Introduction to Force Free Training by Hound Charming


This 1+ hour workshop is designed to give potential adopters and new or inexperienced pet guardians an overview of Force Free philosophies and practical techniques.

Topics will include the definition of Force Free training and animal management, as well as five common training issues that pet parents encounter. Real life case studies and video examples featuring past and present Hound Charming clients will be referenced.


There will be a Q&A at the end of the workshop to answer general questions, but it won't be possible to provide detailed advice on individual cases because that is best done via Hound Charming's personalised coaching service.

If by the end of the workshop you would like to know more either about the science of how animals learn or the practical application of training Hound Charming can refer you to one of their other services.


We hope you enjoy the workshop.

  • You will receive a zip folder containing two files. One .mp4 file of the recording and another .ass file for the Arabic subtitles

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